Primary Location



Our primary location at 16717 84 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5Z 0P9 offers a nurturing and stimulating environment for children. Conveniently situated in a family-friendly neighborhood, our daycare features state-of-the-art facilities and an experienced staff dedicated to fostering each child’s development. In 2025, a sister location will be opened in St. Albert.

Location & Hours

Monday                                6:30 – 5:30 

Tuesday                                6:30 – 5:30 

Wednesday                          6:30 – 5:30 

Thursday                              6:30 – 5:30 

Friday                                    6:30 – 5:30 

Statuary holidays

  • New Years Day 
  • Family Day
  • Easter Monday
  • Victoria Day
  • Canada Day
  • Labour Day 
  • Thanksgiving 
  • Remembrance Day 
  • Christmas Day (Exact Days will be posted)